Bonnie Erbe, a TV host and columnist for Scripps Howard News Service recently published an article entitled “NRA should take hit for gun deaths in schools.”...
Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, took his Obama eligibility investigation in a new direction this week. On the day that Jerome R. Corsi shared...
Two New Jersey residents became the latest to file an Obama eligibility challenge. They are also the first to challenge Obama’s eligibility in New Jersey for...
Who is Barack Obama? He has had three different names, and the documents that should tell his story are missing or changed. Anyone seeking the office...
Jerome R. Corsi came back to New Jersey yesterday. He shared with more than 200 Tea Party activists the details of the Obama birth certificate and...
The Tea Party group in Arizona that first challenged the Obama birth certificate, now are petitioning Arizona’s legislature. The object: to force Arizona’s Secretary of State,...
The Arizona legislature is fighting an Obama eligibility battle over a bill to make candidates prove they are eligible to their offices. The problem: Republican legislatures...
The Obama birth certificate controversy has never died, even after the White House released a PDF document purporting to be a birth certificate. A prominent international...
A Northern Virginia middle school teacher assigns blatantly partisan homework. He has his students dig dirt on Republican Presidential candidates, but not on the man they...
The un-numbered Executive Order on defense resources redefines national defense with a broader scope than before. That makes it more dangerous than ever. Earlier versions of this...