The other night I watched a PBS special on Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass), a series of coordinated attacks against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts...
How serious are the problems with Obamacare, or the Patient Protection (racket) and (Not) Affordable Care Act? This will cost several Democrats their seats in Congress....
In the news this past week there have been reports about the Supreme Court getting another chance to do the right thing concerning the unconstitutional “Un-Affordable Health...
Now, President Obama can nominate the Three Stooges to the federal bench if he wants, and get away with it. Why? Because last week, Senate Majority...
The Northeast Ohio Media Group featured in its Sun Press/Sun Messenger local paper, a double opinion piece on Common Core Standards on November 14. Absent from...
At about midnight last night, the government announced the latest in a series of cynical ploys. They delayed the period for open enrollment in Obamacare from...
The site is one of the worst technical disasters in the history of computers and their networks. The White House knew it would be a...
News of Barack Obama’s big lie (“if you like your plan you can keep it”) has filled the airwaves, video streams, and e-mail lists for weeks....
Wall Street, by some accounts, is already handicapping the 2016 Presidential race. As long as Republicans nominate Chris Christie, and Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton, Wall Street...
This afternoon, shortly after noon Eastern time, de facto President Barack Obama made a speech. He said, in effect, “All right all right, you’ll get to...