Everything has a breaking point. So reads the tag line in yesterday’s new release, Atlas Shrugged, Part Two. And this latest Atlas Shrugged movie shows what...
The past twenty-four hours have seen the release of more videos featuring one person than is usual. These latest Obama videos show an ugly side to...
During World War II, American soldiers in the Pacific listened to Radio Tokyo and other English-language programs on Japanese-run stations. Servicemen wrote home that “Tokyo Rose,”...
Three key facts point to one big nightmare scenario. Most people think such things “couldn’t happen here.” But this is how dictatorships do happen.
To guard your First Amendment rights, you must stand up for them. Demetrios K. Stratis stands up in court for those willing to stand up in...
A small group of pastors and other activists gathered today at a hotel in Heightstown, New Jersey, for a first-of-its-kind conference. The first annual God and...
A chiropractor in Colorado has fought the Internal Revenue Service for years. He argues that American income tax law has a fundamental flaw. He says wages,...
Mario Apuzzo knows a thing or two about Obama eligibility jurisprudence. He has one case that has gone through New Jersey’s courts (and might go to...
Obama eligibility goes to college! The Electoral College, that is. This year, a Minnesota Republican elector candidate vows to raise the standard of behavior of Presidential...
The United Nations often makes the news – especially in Tea Party circles. While the rest of the world seems to bow at the feet of...