The infamous Johnson Amendment, that curtails political speech by churches, remains on the books. So also does Obamacare, at least for now. (The “replacement” that passed...
“I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.” So said John D. Rockefeller. And how does he relate to this topic?...
What is President Trump trying to do? More—and better—than you think.
Fake News media is “the enemy of the American People.” – President Donald Trump
In the wake of the U. S. missile strike on the Syrian air base believed to have been used to mount a chemical weapons attack, there...
Everyday now more and more dirty deeds perpetrated by the ex-usurper Obama and his cadre of slimy operatives are slithering out of the bowels of that...
These past few weeks have stirred much consternation among so many of the irredeemable and deplorable Trump supporters. There has been anger and even some vitriol...
It’s easy to deride the aberrant behavior of the leftists (excuse me: progressives) we’ve been unhappily witness to. We have seen this both over the course...
American history is rife with writings, speeches and quotes originating from our Founding Fathers relating to the intent and extent of the powers granted to the...
Since the beginning of recorded history, we have read about and learned of the struggle of man’s desire to be free,to live his life as he...