Astonishing new information, including actual footage of the building of the January 6 Gallows, possibly implicates the FBI.
The Day of Rage that HAMAS called on all Muslims to observe, caused far less damage than they bargained for.
The Fourth Arab-Israeli War will likely become a civilizational war, as the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths fight for supremacy.
The Fourth Arab-Israeli War threatens coalition fracture, not only on the left but also on the right, by weakening each coalition's "glue."
Many people, all critics of Israel for one of three reasons, are deliberately running away from judgment of atrocities attributed to HAMAS.
The Fourth Arab-Israeli War is a test of faith - a test of those who profess to believe, and a test of which faith is valid.
Israel once again finds itself at war, after a surprise more embarrassing than Pearl Harbor. This has raised a lot of interesting questions.
Extinctionism - a movement to extinguish humanity by attrition or force - is the real ideological threat to humanity today.
Two secularistic political scientists insist on restricting the speech of some to protect the dignity of others.
The House made history by ousting Kevin McCarthy as Speaker - and his RINO colleagues literally went home to cry for a week.