The Congressional Budget Office has lowered its projections for American population growth and predicts natural decline.
Many officials talk about low birth rate in America and worldwide, but very few understand the real reasons for it.
The American left will consign itself to demographic winter with their childless preference. Or do they plan to enforce that on everyone else?
FIghting the wars of others is a losing proposition for the United States and serves only to continue the kill-off of the population.
Quantum computing provides the necessary computing power for the technocratic, transhumanist unistate that will get along without people.
Bill Clinton says Kamala Harris was right to open the border because birth rates are too low to sustain the American population.
Enrollment in U.S. public schools has peaked and will continue to decline, given low birth rates and homeschooling.
Pittsburgh public schools will close 16 schools, a sign of the city's decline in population and loss of attractiveness.
Anyone familiar with movies from the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries knows what a “red pill” is. From the popular franchise The Matrix, a “red...
The low birth rate phenomenon in the civilized world is worse than ever. Two months ago the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pegged the...