A vote on HR 2560, the Cut Cap Balance Act of 2011, the most comprehensive plan to rein in the national debt, will take place tomorrow....
Gold broke the $1600 barrier in intra-day trading this morning—twice. The debt ceiling drama is only one reason among many.
The prices of gold and silver are peaking now. They may fall, but not very far—and the next buying opportunity will not last long.
Mitch McConnell, who signaled surrender on the debt ceiling, found some defenders. They also need the courage to stand up to threats.
Barack Obama is behaving disgracefully about the debt ceiling. Republicans will do themselves no favors by dealing with him.
Patriots, the Day of Reckoning is coming. Will Barack Obama Use The 14th Amendment As A Way To Get Around The Debt Ceiling?
You want to be debt free. No one wants the burden of a debt-stricken life. Here’s how to break out of that life and be debt...
Gold and silver coins are now legal tender in Utah—and worth their weight in gold. This signal is as much financial as political. The Legal Tender...
Barney Frank told The Boston Globe today that he did not “compromise” his “legislative role” when he got his live-in partner Herb Moses a job at...
Gold and silver have stopped falling and are standing still. But what are they waiting for? Where do gold and silver stand? Gold and silver closed...