The true narrative of people in Gaza is dependence on others. This even includes dependence on Israel, their declared enemy.
The long war in Afghanistan is about to end. Afghanistan will revert to status quo ante 9/11. Or will its new leaders build the peace they...
America needs a Fourth (Fifth?) Great Awakening, to combat the bitter fruits of turning away from God, including crime and immorality.
Dr. Ariel Handel, in his latest essay, mischaracterizes the real aggressors in the Six-day War and otherwise ignores key facts on the ground.
Antifascism is a worthy cause. But without a workable definition, one can end up serving fascism instead. As one US politician boasted.
75 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, the Jews haven't learned the most important lesson: active self-defense. And anti-Semitism is rising again.
30 years ago this month, the Berlin Wall came down. But too many leaders have lost the lessons of that fall. It's time to relearn them.
Before Rabbi Meir Kahane suggested transferring Arabs out of Israel, Sarah, wife of Abraham, suggested the same in the case of Hagar and Ishmael.
The Palestinians cannot claim to be Canaanites, because those people are extinct. Besides, God created the land and gave it to the Jews.
Apollo 11 was the greatest achievement in American history. But what can America do today? Without the leadership it had, not much.