Eight years ago, on January 3, 2008, the Jerusalem Post published a tirade by Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe. Rabbi Wolpe denounced Israel’s left-wing political elites. He...
Many commentators claim that proportional representation provides a just numerical representation of the distinct ideological, ethnic, economic, and other groups composing a society. This may be...
In many cases, no doubt, people in America do not want to be delivered from their sins (Matthew 1:21) they want to be delivered from God...
Before discussing the Jewish People’s exclusive right to the Land of Israel, (Eretz Israel) artificially designated as “Palestine,” we shall first review the character and credibility...
It says in Jewish sources, such as Nefesh HaTzimtzum, that the dispersal of the Jewish people is a desecration of God’s Name. In principle, this may...
Could anyone picture this? Today’s political climate has seen a rise in young adults who think Communism is a good thing. During the Cold War such...
On September 1, 2014, I composed an article entitled “Netanyahu, the Disciple of Shimon Peres.” The article quoted key passages in Shimon Peres’ book, Tomorrow is...
King David said, “I hate them, O God that hate you” (Psalm 129:21). Since the haters of God hate God’s people, and since hatred is futile...
Jerusalem seems to have no strategic doctrine. She thus repeatedly ignores the teaching of Shakespeare in King Lear: “He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of...
Several of my tea party friends were disturbed to learn that I did not support Ted Cruz for president. While there were many reasons, one in...