A most politically significant manifestation of cognitive dissonance occurs every day in democratic societies, and it has disastrous effects on their foreign and domestic policies.
We live in “age of atrocity” as well as in “age of stupidity,” an age in which “higher” education is steeped in Nihilism, a philosophy of...
Political scientists fail to emphasize that whenever a democracy and a dictatorship negotiate publicly as equals, the dictatorship gains enormously. Such negotiation places these two...
We all know that moral decay is permeating what is now called “post-Christian” Europe. Our best informed commentators know that this decay has been propagated for...
To understand why democracy today is boring and decadent one can hardly do better than consult Alexis de Tocqueville. His classic, Democracy in America, is more relevant...
In The Secret Life of the Jew (1930), Rabbi David Miller writes: “In the Pharmacological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University … it has been recently established,...
Now that the elections are behind us, we as citizens must ensure that the legislators know how we view issues of importance. When one considers the...
On March 31, 1995, ten years before Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, Yitzhak Rabin was Israel’s Prime Minister, and Shimon Peres was his Defense Minster. On that...
Some secularists believe that if modern Israel were to adopt a Constitution based on Jewish principles and values, the country would revert to the Middle Ages. ...
The campaigns for the forthcoming January elections are descending on America. Let us review some basic ideas about democratic elections, for which purpose we can do...