Does de facto President Barack Obama want to appoint Eric Holder to the Supreme Court of the United States? Chuck Norris fears so. But he might...
Proven to be a faithful criminal with his little cronies under the Clinton administration, Attorney General Eric Holder has now been exposed once again by showing...
This morning, Politico released their “exclusive” with Lois Lerner. (See also these secondary reports at The Daily Caller and from UPI.) She once served as Director for...
It is time for the Executive and Legislative branches of New Jersey to adhere to the U.S. Constitution. No, it is long past the time. For far too...
Dear Governor Christie: the scope and intent of this open letter is not meant to disparage you unfairly. But…in respect to all which has occurred during your tenure, what you...
The IRS scandal made the news again yesterday. Now the IRS admits the “missing” e-mails still exist, and Lois Lerner did not lose them forever as...
This article was written by [Dwight Kehoe] in response to and because of a conversation [he] had with a TPATH reader. His identity will, at his...
The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam...
A federal district judge, in the District of Columbia no less, ruled resoundingly for the Second Amendment. He granted summary judgment to stop completely the ban...
Must science always contradict religious tradition to stay valid? What happened to following evidence where it leads? Lawyers for a scientist who lost his job over...