Another school shooting has taken place in a gun-free school zone. Those zones work only to get children killed. Politicians need to pay.
Bill Maher observes a generational trend toward alternative lifestyle identification - and questions its validity in an incisive talk.
Welfare has 59 million people dependent on government. Neither the Constitution nor the Bible sanction forced government charity.
Have incompetent leaders made a food shortage? Or is this a deliberate gambit in the war between the globalists against the rest of us?
The Ministry of Truth, a/k/a Disinformation Governance Board, is under review, by two officials with an anti-liberty history.
A globalist is an enemy of the state as a sovereign state. The latest vehicle for abolishing sovereignty is the World Health Organization.
Justice Samuel A. Alito brilliantly explained why the Supreme Court must overrule its Roe v. Wade precedent.
The United States government now has an Office of Truth, the executive director of which does not know the truth at all.
The Twitter war with Elon Musk ended yesterday when its board approved a buyout plan. The world waits to see what's next.
Stakeholder capitalism is the centerpiece, and the mechanism, of the Great Reset by the World Economic Forum.