Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973 legalizing abortion, the issue has been passionately argued by factions both for and against the procedure. The battle...
In a discussion some time ago a gentleman asked me, “John, what does individual freedom mean?” It actually caused me pause for a moment. I, like...
“Some people are asking which news sources I trust, and all I can say is that I read/watch/listen very widely, from mainstream, corporate owned sources (The...
American history is rife with writings, speeches and quotes originating from our Founding Fathers relating to the intent and extent of the powers granted to the...
Since the beginning of recorded history, we have read about and learned of the struggle of man’s desire to be free,to live his life as he...
The FBI are, without a doubt, sending the message of selective prosecution.
“When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you, you know that your nation is doomed.” We have seen...
Gross Schechter Day School is a Jewish day school whose mission is to encourage “creativity, exploration and self-discovery” by stressing “critical thinking, personal responsibility and global...
Perhaps an unspoken truism is “Hypocrites you will have with you always.” While sinfulness is part of human nature, hypocrisy goes back to the Garden of...
“A nation that kills its children in the womb has lost its soul.” That is what abortion is.