Summer in China evokes dark memories of past Chinese Communist Party crackdowns. This June and July, millions of Chinese who lived through these traumatic events can...
In The Claremont Review of Books winter 2023/24 issue, the magazine’s editor Charles Kesler published “National Conservatism vs. American Conservatism.” Siding with American conservatism, Kesler offered...
The price to win freedom is blood; to maintain it, eternal vigilance, and no tolerance for unjust processes of any kind.
The 54th Massachusetts Infantry was one of the first units to recruit African Americans into the ranks during the War Between the States.
President Biden stepped off Marine One, walked across the tarmac of the Delaware Air National Guard base, and embraced his son Hunter, a convicted felon.
The unexpected death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash should remind the world that no oppressive regime can last forever, as they are...
A federal district court yesterday held that mRNA-style injections, ostensibly intended to ward off coronavirus, do not qualify as vaccines. This calls into question any remaining...
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 7th day of June in the year of our Lord 2024. I will...
Everyone who has to go to court wants a sympathetic judge. But when a party goes “judge shopping,” it undermines people’s faith in the ability to...
Comparing Donald Trump to Eugene V. Debs, another Presidential candidate with a dubious conviction and media vilification.