The biblical account of the Exodus contains some very interesting protests from people who had been in bondage for over 400 years. After being delivered from...
The Democrats, from Barack H. Obama down, suddenly never heard of Jonathan Gruber. Or did they? Sorry, but we have too much video footage, not only...
The day after last week’s election, when I started hearing the reports of a “Great Republican Victory” – not only in D.C., but across the land...
The GOP tsunami that swept through the halls of Congress on November 4th purged the people’s house of some of the trash but not all of...
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire) talks a good game about fighting for liberty. She has to. New Hampshire puts “Live Free Or Die” on license plates....
Last week de facto President Barack Obama gave part of the Progressive game away. He actually said a stay-at-home mother makes the wrong choice for America!...
Sharyl Attkisson never acted like an ordinary modern reporter. She did not accept, uncritically, any blandishments or platitudes from politicians. Nor did she hesitate to investigate...
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence,...
Today, Annise Parker, Mayor of Houston, Texas, abruptly withdrew her demand that five area pastors turn their sermons over to a judge. She gave reasons for...
Please let us reason together for a few moments without respect to anything we may or may not be a member of, but just Americans who...