The producers of the two Atlas Shrugged movies made it official this week. Atlas Shrugged, Part 3, will release to theaters next summer. The producers face...
Civil rights have different definitions for different people. Most believe that civil rights are what our Founders termed “inalienable rights” – or basic rights that were...
The recent controversy on Glenn Beck’s remarks about forbidden subjects raises the Obama eligibility issue yet again. But another event took place that few noticed. Two...
Recently Glenn Beck made a statement that appears to have gone unnoticed by most. The context of what he was saying was cast to the mundane...
Fifty-five years and five months ago this month, a Russian émigrée told the world what would happen if all the productive and creative people of the...
Floyd Elliott, of Independence, Mo., told police that two subjects attacked him in the parking lot of his apartment complex. He said the attackers cut him...
The English language has many words that use the suffix –cide. The suffix has a Latin root that means killer or killing. Common words that use...
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) finally had a colleague bring her up short on how much she knew about the Constitution. In answer she said, “I am...
Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and...
Senator Dianne Feinstein wants your guns. She has said so. But now she says outrageously that, under current law, one human being can hunt another.