Joe Biden issued over 4000 pardons, many of them preemptive. Trump's pardons went to those who suffered from an abusive legal process.
President Joe Biden signed preemptive pardons for members of his family, and former officials. Can they provide full protection?
The second era of Trump has begun, and it promises to be far more dynamic and proactive, therefore more exciting, than the first.
President Joe Biden got off a Parthian shot at justice with his preemptive pardons of Milley, Fauci, Cheney, Thompson, and others.
Abuse of the Presidential pardon power, unfortunately, has recent precedent. Reforms and limits on that power would be wise.
The media have granted Democrats immunity from the consequences of their acts, while accusing Republicans falsely.
Abraham Lincoln provides an instructive example of the pardon power, why Presidents have it, and how to use it – or not – in select cases.
President joe Biden tainted his legacy with the pardon of his son - a gesture his son does not deserve - after saying he wouldn't.