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Preemptive protection from Trump

President Joe Biden signed preemptive pardons for members of his family, and former officials. Can they provide full protection?



Preemptive protection from Trump

Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 24th day of January in the year of our Lord 2025. I will be talking about pardons, including the preemptive pardon of many members of the Biden family along with the pardon of many of their victims. The list of those preemptively pardoned by former President Biden included “I am the science,” also known as Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Who got the latest preemptive pardons?

Yes, with his final act as President, Joe Biden preemptively pardoned many members of his own family, none of whom had been charged with a crime. Those pardoned included:

  • Brother James B. Biden,
  • Sister-in-law Sara Jones Biden;
  • Sister Valerie Biden Owens;
  • Brother-in-law John T. Owens; and
  • Brother Francis W. Biden.

These family members joined first son Hunter who was pardoned in December after he was convicted of felonies and pled guilty to others.

President Biden’s statement included the words, “pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that they engaged in any wrongdoing.” I’m sure Joe Biden knows that acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt. The Supreme Court has ruled that an offer of pardon doesn’t have to be accepted. But if it is, that is an implied admission of guilt. If it is not accepted then it is of no effect. All Biden family members accepted their pardons. Therefore all have admitted guilt of something.

Protecting his family from Trump?

President Biden continued the lie by using the excuse that he was protecting his family from Trump. But I guess on second thought that might be true by accident. Trump and his Department of Justice were definitely going to investigate the influence peddling, extortion, and bribery accusations against Hunter and the family members who received the money from Hunter and that includes the “big guy.” Using that logic then I suppose he was protecting them from Trump. In essence, he believed that Trump would do the same thing to his family that he and his family did to Trump.

Quoting the former President:


My family has been subjected to unrelenting attacks and threats, motivated solely by a desire to hurt me—the worst kind of partisan politics. Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe these attacks will end.

What he describes is exactly what he did to Trump and those who supported him for several years. Yes, Biden and his government officials weaponized law in unjust ways to prosecute Trump solely because Trump had the audacity to become Biden’s political opponent.

Should Trump be magnanimous to the criminals in the Biden administration, as I’m certain many in the Republican Party advise him to do? Or should he take his office and his responsibility seriously and hold government officials accountable for their gross violations of the law leveled against innocent people? My belief is that this episode is not over by a long shot. Because there are steps that can still be taken and they should be taken.

Steps that even the pardons allow

For example, an accepted pardon takes away the 5th amendment right against self-incrimination and therefore each pardoned individual could be questioned under oath and guilt, if any, could be at least obvious which would make many officials somewhat uncomfortable in their future lives. That is probably not true of the Biden family because they can enjoy the millions that Hunter stole for them for the rest of their lives but what about those criminals he left unpardoned.

Merrick Garland, the former Attorney General of the United States, was not pardoned along with the entire group of criminals who worked at the Department of Justice along with the very corrupt group of criminals at the FBI.

Paul Craig Roberts, in his commentary entitled, “Biden Pardons His Crime Family and Trump Pardons Its Victims” said that Biden pardoned convicted murderers on death row, but not the criminals who murdered the rule of law and violated international law. Quoting Dr. Roberts:


Let’s be sure we understand what it means to be magnanimous to criminals who weaponized law in order to destroy political opponents. It means that US government officials sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States failed to do so and violated their oath of office. These officials weaponized law and used it as a weapon against Trump and his supporters. And now Trump is supposed to let them walk free. What this means is that Trump will have created an American Aristocracy that has immunity from accountability to law. A precedent for the unaccountability of government officials will be established.

The world is full of countries in which officials sell out their countries and their people for money but America is different isn’t it. The jury is out on whether Trump learned from his first term that wolves cannot be allowed among the sheep. In other words, I hope and I pray that he will not allow the deep state, the elite, the establishment, or just use your own name to gain any foothold in his administration.

Other preemmptive pardons

OK let me talk about the science and the other criminals Biden pardoned. Congressman Andrew Clyde, Republican 9th District of Georgia, says:

In its final hours, the most corrupt Administration in American history is covering up Democrats’ trail of criminal activity.

Biden, it seems pardoned a lot of murderers including several sitting on death row. My understanding is that those on death row were not pardons but commutation of sentence. If that is true they would at least still be in prison instead of turned loose to prey on the American people.

Some did get pardons, as did two people in Virginia doing life without parole for killing a police officer while in the commission of a felony drug crime. They have been in confinement for about 20 years and now they have been or soon will be released. Some 2500 convicted felons got full pardons but President Biden could not find a single one of the 1500 January 6 people to pardon. This man Biden, and those around him did not mind letting the guilty go free while confining the innocent. I suppose that was his way of saying play the game my way by my rules or see what happens.

Settling scores? Holding people accountable

I point out now that what Biden terms “settling scores” for which he warned Trump is not settling anything. Holding government officials accountable for violating and weaponizing law is simply enforcing the law to prevent its weaponization in the future while holding officials to the same law as private individuals. However, I understand why Biden might feel bad about prosecuting these particular law breakers since he and his Justice Department orchestrated the whole thing.


The Biden Justice Department lawyers unleashed what they called a shock and awe campaign to round up any Trump supporters near the capitol on January 6th. Almost all of them, were convicted or pled guilty to long sentences in prison. Some were held awaiting trial which never came for over four years. In the neighborhood of 1500 people were sentenced and most were guilty of nothing.

Liz Chaney and the congressional committee which fabricated evidence and altered evidence to convict innocent people, send them to prison, and ruin their lives and the lives of their families were all pardoned by Biden. Liz was defiant to the end claiming she did nothing wrong, but she accepted the pardon anyway. If she did nothing wrong why not take her chances and decline the pardon, but I guess it’s all water under the bridge now. Trump fulfilled his campaign promise and pardoned or commuted the sentences of all 1500 people.

Preemptive pardon of a mad scientist

What about the science? Why did Biden issue a pardon to this Doctor, this scientist, if he did nothing wrong as he still claims? The pardon was preemptive for any offense committed since 2014 when he began his work on the White House Coronavirus Task Force or the White House Covid-19 Response Team, or as Chief Medical Advisor to the President. I wonder about the 2014 date because didn’t Covid begin in 2019 not 2014. The date 2014 is when Dr. Science responded to questions asked by scientists and doctors about a series of experiments that made simple influenza viruses more dangerous to humans.

These experiments were conducted despite the banning of federal funding for such experiments. Why these gain of function experiments were not banned completely is another question. Why would any representative of the US Government want to make a virus up to 10,000 times more deadly to humans than in its natural state. OK I understand that these experiments were for the purpose of building bioweapons to use against potential enemies. Since the construction of bioweapons was banned by US and International law the research was normally conducted in countries not as concerned about international law as the US supposedly was.

The Wuhan Lab Leak

That’s why the research was conducted in China with funding provided by Dr. Fauci as head of the NIH all funneled through the research labs at the University of North Carolina. When American college labs could no longer hide what they were doing they shipped the virus research they had completed offshore to Wuhan China. The other player in this game of mass murder was an entity they created called EcoHealth Alliance. That organization was apparently a supposed charity created and run by the Covid team for the purpose of funneling money to the labs. I understand, as I previously said why bioweapons are developed. I understand the reasoning although I am vehemently opposed to it, but in the case of Covid and Dr. I Am the Science, Fauci the weapons were not developed to be used against enemies of America but against the entire human race including Americans.


Something like 30 of these bioweapons labs were developed in Ukraine close to the Russian border and the labs contained many of the deadliest pathogens that have ever existed on earth. To my knowledge many of them, perhaps all of them, are still operating. That fact is of great concern to Russians and I trust it will be to Donald Trump when he tries to bully and intimidate Putin.

So many victims, of both virus and vaccine

So many people, 10’s of millions, were killed by the virus Dr. Fauci created and probably even more by the vaccine prepared to stop it that those who perpetrated this pandemic might legitimately be called mass murderers. Would Joe Biden have pardoned Joseph Mengele, maybe so if he could have helped defeat Trump. The lockdowns, the masks, and especially the vaccine were something else entirely. In Africa, which was very reluctant to receive the vaccine because of their religious beliefs, the lowest number of deaths were experienced. This fact was despite the best efforts of Bill Gates to vaccinate all Africans and all people with his vaccine.

Just because people were pardoned doesn’t mean they can’t be investigated, charged and prosecuted. It does mean they could not be punished, but it is still important to reveal their crimes, if any, to the world. For example, if the January 6 committee was honorable in its investigation what are they afraid of. Why would they have to be preemptively pardoned for doing such just work.

A Senator investigates

Senator Rand Paul has been leading the investigation into Fauci, EcoHealth Alliance, and Wuhan and he said after the Science was pardoned that he would not stop until he got to the bottom of it. Quote from Senator Paul who is also a doctor; “If there ever was any doubt as to who bears responsibility for the Covid pandemic, Biden’s pardon of Fauci forever seals the deal. As Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee I will not rest until the entire truth of the coverup is exposed.”

Finally, folks, can Donald Trump lead this nation out of darkness and into a new golden age as he said he would.. Time will tell, but I pray that he can.


At least that’s the way I see it.

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle.

Darrell L. Castle
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Darrell Castle is an attorney in Memphis, Tennessee, a former USMC Combat Officer, 2008 Vice Presidential nominee, and 2016 Presidential nominee. Darrell gives his unique analysis of current national and international events from a historical and constitutional perspective. You can subscribe to Darrell's weekly podcast at

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