The Tea Party group in Arizona that first challenged the Obama birth certificate, now are petitioning Arizona’s legislature. The object: to force Arizona’s Secretary of State,...
Did Barack Obama sabotage Israel this week? Does Obama plan to work actively against Israel if he wins re-election? Many observers and commentators say “Yes” (or...
The Supreme Court challenge to the health care reform bill should have been arcane and easy to work around. The media don’t think so. Whether they...
The Arizona legislature is fighting an Obama eligibility battle over a bill to make candidates prove they are eligible to their offices. The problem: Republican legislatures...
The Obama birth certificate controversy has never died, even after the White House released a PDF document purporting to be a birth certificate. A prominent international...
A Northern Virginia middle school teacher assigns blatantly partisan homework. He has his students dig dirt on Republican Presidential candidates, but not on the man they...
The un-numbered Executive Order on defense resources redefines national defense with a broader scope than before. That makes it more dangerous than ever. Earlier versions of this...
Barack Obama’s daughter went for spring break in Oaxaca, Mexico. That in itself is yet another example of a First Family luxuriating at American taxpayers’ expense....
The famously left-wing Media Matters for America now turns out to give political cover to Al-Jazeera, the most anti-Semitic and anti-American network in the Middle East....
I fully intended to limit this series to the areas where the UN is usurping our sovereignty through Agenda 21, the Convention on the Rights of...