In this cultural environment where free speech is intimidated by politically correct sneers, asking the right questions can be considered bullish or ill-mannered. But when we...
Operation Fast and Furious went to a further level today. Specifically, a US congressman threatened the Attorney General with impeachment.
Like many of you, I have bought into the idea that our current president is a smart and shrewd politician. After all, how many politicians could...
The 2011 political environment has coined a few new phrases that aptly fit the elitists that occupy our government. It would be nice to attribute these...
The new “detention law” that passed the Senate on Thursday has many wondering whether the Constitution still protects Americans from abuse of power.
Several TEA Party activists, and others who call themselves Patriots, do not accept the status quo and want a third party to replace the Republicans and...
Two New Jersey men behind the most comprehensive legal challenge to the health care reform bill are raising the stakes: they want two Justices to recuse...
The Supreme Court will hear the most famous case against the health care reform bill. But a more comprehensive case still waits for a hearing in...
Given that my bid for the state assembly in New Jersey was against a well-oiled political machine, the results I desired seemed far-fetched from the beginning....
Newt Gingrich has moved up lately—by default—in the Republican field, as other candidates have risen and fallen.