The U.S. under Joe Biden, and Europe under its current leaders, have made disastrous strategic blunders leading up to their war with Russia.
The Great Reset is actually retreating on several fronts. A determined push will crush it, but requires dedication to liberty.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), on June 26, denounced as "not in the Constitution" the separation of faith and state.
The FBI, according to Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas), acts like the Gestapo, seeming to attack opponents of the President for political reasons.
The world is slouching toward World War III as nations form into armed camps - and corporate interests prepare to sell lots of guns.
The Biden Administration's bad governance makes for dangerous days ahead, as America goes head-to-head with Russia, China, and India.
Disinfo 2.0, a/k/a the White House Task Force on Online Harassment and Abuse, is now active and will have a global brief.
A federal gas tax holiday would give back maybe ten dollars over the summer and do nothing to address the fundamental supply problem.
The January 6 event, that the left calls an INSURRECTION, takes all the media space these days, while they ignore inflation, the border,…
Julian Assange started as a hero to the American left but became a heel to them after he revealed Hillary's emails and Benghazi lies.