This past semester, pro-Palestine protests erupted on college campuses across the United States. University administrators faced institutional turmoil, attempting to appease alums, donors, and Congress while...
Protesters favoring Gaza and HAMAS interrupted the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade briefly, but NBC-TV did not show anything untoward.
Laura Loomer revealed, in a whirlwind weekend, that Ukrainian Nazi assets are embedded in American politics and were even at January 6.
Antifa, BLM, and groups like them take money from those they should despise, to provoke violence. But one can confront them politely but firmly.
Protest has been part of Christianity since its inception and was part of Israelite life also. Christianity demands resistance to tyrants.
In light of the Zimmerman verdict, we have seen passionate positions both in favor of Mr. Zimmerman’s acquittal and against Mr. Zimmerman’s acquittal. Those in favor...