A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. – Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) Roman statesman,...
Flight 370 vanished from the sky six days ago. Lead after lead to possible wreckage has proved false. Authorities now are losing patience with reporters, almost...
If the question “what difference does it make?” is referring to the Sept. 11th attack in Benghazi – the answer is “plenty!”
What if I told you that the Health-care legislation we call Obamacare grants Obama the authority to create his own personal Army Corps in violation of...
There is no way, with my limited service as a draftee during the Viet Nam era, that I can even begin to compare my time in...
We’ve been at war now continuously since I was born, fifty-six years ago, and having served two decades active in the Corps, I still don’t have...
I became aware of an invitation issued to 125 libraries across our nation, a lure for these institutions of learning to participate in a five-part reading...
Late this morning, de facto President Barack Obama spoke for nearly forty-five minutes about the NSA surveillance program. He said he would reform it to balance...
Incrementalism has always been the secret behind the success of the progressive’s agenda. Their strategy of coercion and manipulation has often been implemented over extended periods...
The National Security Agency first lied about the NSA surveillance program. They said they were running no such program. (“N-n-not w-w-wittingly.”) Now they brazenly assert they...