The English language has many words that use the suffix –cide. The suffix has a Latin root that means killer or killing. Common words that use...
In a country where leadership is scarce, North Dakota has shown that it has more than its share of leaders who are not afraid to do...
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) finally had a colleague bring her up short on how much she knew about the Constitution. In answer she said, “I am...
Two days ago (March 14), the de facto President went to dinner with several Republican Senators – and did not touch a bite. The Presidential Taster...
Much to the chagrin of the liberals it seems the Catholics have chosen a standard bearer Pope in the conservative vein and should be congratulated for...
Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and...
The ethics case against Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) didn’t go away last month, and is bubbling up again. A grand jury in Miami is investigating whether...
Every once in a while there is profound advice in a popular song. Back in the 1960s, the Chiffons had a hit song entitled, “Sweet Talking...
We have a Pope: Pope Francis I, a/k/a Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio, former Archbishop of Buenos Aires. The white smoke billowed forth from the Sistine Chapel...
Fresh perspectives arrive every week on the new toys the Department of Homeland Security is buying. That includes 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and 2,717 Iraq...