The two men challenging the health care reform bill asked again for an en banc hearing after learning, over the Internet, of a new order. The...
The phrase natural-born citizen has created confusion and controversy. But President Barack H. Obama and his friends know what it means. And after trying to make...
A little-known case against the health care reform bill, now at the Third Circuit, could have much further-reaching effects. Where does the case now stand? The...
The Constitution says who may run for President. President Obama makes light of that rule and thus shows disrespect for the Constitution.
The lead plaintiff in the most comprehensive lawsuit against the healthcare-reform bill reiterated today that Barack Obama has just disqualified himself as President by releasing a...
The release yesterday of the apparent long-form birth certificate for President Barack H. Obama has done little to settle the debate on Obama’s citizenship, and has...
The White House today released what it said was a “long-form birth certificate” from the State of Hawaii. But the release seemed to raise more questions...