The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when...
“Our boys were sent off to die with beautiful ideals painted in front of them. No one told them that dollars and cents were the real...
Linda Sarsour, the darling of the Islamist/Leftist consortium of anarchists currently trying to overthrow the United States government, is at it again. In a stunning seditious...
“The typical American voter is so stupid, his dog teaches him tricks.” So said Jonathan Gruber, the architect of Romney – excuse me – Obamacare.
“Ordo Ab Chao” – Order out of Chaos, Count de Grasse
The Democratic Party has gone on the offensive and adopted the strategies of Jihad to overthrow the government of President Donald Trump.
Hey, everybody. Lieutenant Columbo, back with more information that bothers me about the Alexandria shooting. You know, the one where Rep. Steve Scalise (R-Jefferson, La.) took...
The First Amendment guarantees Americans the freedom of religion in the “establishment” clause:
President Donald Trump withdrew from Obama’s anti-American Paris Climate Agreement saying, “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”
London’s Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan believes that terrorist attacks are part of living in a big city. Really? Why should Western cities and societies accept the...