After four previous coup attempts against President Trump, Democrats are preparing coup attempt 5: voter fraud through ballots.
Joe Biden willfully creates division in America. Perhaps he hopes to take partial credit for the Great Reset that bigger minds than his have long planned.
Destruction of cities usually figures in war. But it can also occur, and far more quickly, through political malfeasance. Like New York today.
Those practicing pedophilia get more bold all the time. We see bills to decriminalize it, and a defendant arguing that it is his right!
Barack Obama failed the country and brought radical Islam to the top. Biden and Harris would do the same. Choose freedom instead.
Kamala Harris would be bad enough as a part of a winning Presidential ticket. But she could also take over as Acting President, effectively or actually.
A fatal decadence has supervened in America. We see it in cities whose governments won't defend the individual, and a federal government printing bad money.
Animals and small children live in the present only. Rational human beings also draw on past and future. Don't let SARS-CoV-2 paralyze you.
Ninety politicians, aides, and prominent people appear here, all guilty or suspected on good evidence of sexual crimes against children.
The summer of 2020 turned intto the summer of murder, mayhem and madness. For that blame mayors letting their cities become war zones.