Three key facts point to one big nightmare scenario. Most people think such things “couldn’t happen here.” But this is how dictatorships do happen.
In a September 4th interview with KKTV, Obama was asked to rate his presidency. He gave himself an “Incomplete,” according to The Hill. Nice side-step, but...
Usually when crime bosses slip through the cracks of our justice system, we call them Teflon Dons. No matter what crime they are charged with, nothing...
Yesterday, ten Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents sued their own agency.They allege the most shocking thing anyone in law enforcement can imagine. Specifically they say their...
Considering the Marxists, Islamists, Progressives, leftists and Communists that Obama has appointed during his first term of usurping the Presidency, would it not seem prudent for...
Spending the last week studying the Ryan plan on Medicare against the remarks made about it by Barack Obama and Joe Biden has produced a surprising...
Before the Ryan budget plan, putative President Barack Obama appointed the Simpson-Bowles Commission. Obama then threw their report away. Today the leaders of that commission hail...
Still at the top of the news is the dishonest ad put up by Barack Obama’s super PAC which implied that Mitt Romney was indirectly responsible...
A plethora of incredibly hard to believe events takes place in America almost every day. Some are unexpected. Many are quite persistent like the nearly 1200...
A good way to know whether to trust someone is to look at their past behavior. When lawyers examine a potentially harmful witness in court, they...