“May Day” when repeated three times is recognized worldwide as a cry for help in life threatening situations. The call is traditionally used by mariners and...
There is no way, with my limited service as a draftee during the Viet Nam era, that I can even begin to compare my time in...
Late this morning, de facto President Barack Obama spoke for nearly forty-five minutes about the NSA surveillance program. He said he would reform it to balance...
The airwaves, blogs, and newspapers have been filled with Bridgegate, the label given to the questionable political activities of Governor Christie. Highlights of the story being...
The Chris Christie bridge scandal drew more attention last week than any other story. The attention did not last. New Jersey Democrats have not yet found...
The National Security Agency first lied about the NSA surveillance program. They said they were running no such program. (“N-n-not w-w-wittingly.”) Now they brazenly assert they...
The New Year is normally a time for renewals and looking enthusiastically towards the newness of our life’s calendar as we turn the page on THAT...
The conservative movement now seems to have split itself on the question of NSA domestic surveillance. Some conservatives, mindful only of external threats, want it to...
The promised Barack Obama transparency never came true. Instead we got the Obama secret government policy. And now two federal judges, and even a select group...
At about midnight last night, the government announced the latest in a series of cynical ploys. They delayed the period for open enrollment in Obamacare from...