Leftists often use the voodoo shibboleth racist to denounce their opponents. In former times such persons might be called “wicked,” and some sort of explanation would...
Commenting on the Torah portion, the Life of Sara, Rabbi Matis Weinberg writes: “With the Cave of Machpela, Avraham discovered … the intensity of his love...
Next month it will be an entire year since the SAPPA Group and Nicholas E. Purpurafiled the lawsuit, Purpura V. Christie, in the Federal District Court...
“The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do...
Many TPATH readers know that Governor Chris Christie, and numerous legislators as well as a few judges are being sued for consistent and conspiratorial activities of...
Back in 1997, the present author, known for his book on the American Constitution, managed to present a paper at the annual convention of the American...
The rule of law is a basic principle of Torah Judaism and of classical democracy. The rule of law affirms that those who make the laws...
Judges have gone wild in America. Two Supreme Court opinions at the end of this week (King v. Burwell on June 25, and Obergefell v. Hodges, etc....
The Supreme Court of the United States killed the Constitution. This morning (June 25), at about 10:00 a.m., they made it official. They ruled in King v....
A three-judge appellate panel today unanimously upheld a Texas law to set safety standards for clinics that offer abortion. As a result only eight abortion mills...