On Creation Day 1, God made the earth, and gave it light. But on Day 4, earth needed another lamp, before He stretched the universe. That...
On Creation Day 3, God planted the earth. Plants produce energy, so they had to come first. And plants did not come eons before animals.
Earth is unique in the cosmos as a harbor of intelligent life. A secular science writer admits this and describes what makes Earth special.
On Creation Day 2, God called the “firmament” “heaven.” So says Genesis 1:8. Could the word that translates as “heaven” mean something else?
The Question Evolution campaign gained a new 13-year-old ally in the last twenty-four hours, just in time for Christmas. His new one-minute spot makes compelling viewing.
In Creation Day Three, God finished what He began the Day before: shaped the earth’s crust to create oceans, and land for planting. This was not...
On Creation Day 2, God made a “firmament among waters,” to “divide waters from waters.” Where was this? Perhaps not in space, but on earth. But...
On Creation Day One, God said, “Let there be light.” Where did the light come from? Answer: it came from new matter, and it’s still here.
A challenger of Walt Brown’s Hydroplate Theory now accuses Brown of demanding sensitive information that might, if released, get him killed. He is due for a...
The hydroplate theory competes with catastrophic plate tectonics for acceptance among creation scientists. A side-by-side comparison shows that the hydroplate theory explains more and has more...