A high school suspends a student for not wanting to malinger in the face of a virus with an easy method of prevention and treatment.
Political predators have been at work against America at least since 1979 and likely much earlier. The current civil disorder is their attack.
Enemies of freedom, on the left and from Islam, use the schools brilliantly to destroy the capacity to be free and accept responsibility.
75 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, the Jews haven't learned the most important lesson: active self-defense. And anti-Semitism is rising again.
Private colleges have placed themselves in severe financial jeopardy. Years of support for progressive policies have brought this about.
Parents of 600 Birmingham children pulled them out of school to protest sexually oriented classes. But these were UK Muslims, not American Christians.
Social justice is not justice, but a travesty thereof. It is a means to control, not to prosperity or even to civilized discourse.
Education in America is badly flawed, and by design. From distortion of Middle East history to dumbing-down of our children, the intent is clear.
Planned Parenthood has been running a humanitarian hoax since its founding. But since it threw in with the UN globalist crowd, it's gotten worse.
Children have been targets of authoritarian manipulators for thousands of years. Today that attack gains steam, in class and on the battlefield.