Another School Choice Week has come and gone with the advocates for the cause indulging in superfluous gatherings that offer information to those who know little...
I have been part of the patriot movement well before Tea Parties came into existence – doing my best to educate the public about the unpublicized...
In the recent past parents expected to send their children to government-run schools to learn the 3 R’s: reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic. But these schools have...
Chicago pays its teachers nearly twice the median income. Its voters elected a mayor who promised reform. Let them see if they, and he, meant what...
As I said in Part 1 of this two-part series, the state of education in America has steadily declined from a myriad of causes. Since this is...
The state of education in America has been steadily declining since the Department of Education was created by President Jimmy Carter in 1979. Many factors contributing...
A high school teacher in North Carolina threatened a student with arrest for “disrespect” of the putative President, Barack H. Obama. When she did that, she...
School yard bullying has been an issue under schools’ microscopes since the Columbine tragedy struck at the heart of America. This has resulted in monumental amounts...
The Ayn Rand world has no room for public schools. They indoctrinate instead of educating, and far from protecting rights, often violate them.
A Northern Virginia middle school teacher assigns blatantly partisan homework. He has his students dig dirt on Republican Presidential candidates, but not on the man they...