A team of atomic scientists may have observed matter traveling faster than the speed of light. If true, that finding changes everything.
The saddest part of remembering September 11 is dealing with the myriads of 9/11 conspiracy theories, of both American and Arabic origin.
Remembering September 11 is a personal matter for every American, and especially for every resident of the Tri-State region. Herewith a personal case-in-point from your editor.
I would like to address Geno’s responses in the comment space of Conservative News and Views. I would also like to make an offer to anyone...
Walt Brown believes in creation, and a planet-wide flood. Is he “ignorant,” as some say? Or does the physical evidence favor him?
Why is Rick Perry promoting a Muslim-friendly curriculum in Texas schools—and who is covering up the Rick Perry/Aga Khan connection?
Whether you are someone who attends church on a regular basis or you are completely agnostic, chances are that somewhere along the line you have heard...
Bernie Goldberg said tonight that those who hold to creation science are somehow ignorant. He’s usually a better journalist than that.
The left loves to use science as a by-word for enlightened policy—but always applies a double standard to that word and concept.
The Rick Perry evolution question was all the rage two days ago, and raises at least three disturbing questions of its own.