Dear Mrs. Clinton: After watching the CNN Democratic debates, I was very impressed with how confidently and authoritatively you spoke about the issues. Since I am...
Have Israeli Prime Ministers succumbed to taquiyya? In a recent article, I pointed out that the Islamic art of taqiyya, of deceit and dissimulation, attains perfection when its...
“To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism...
“What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.” So said Adolf Hitler. America has now been warned by the Department of Homeland Security...
Those who pushed the hardest to make the government license and record the “marriage” of two same-sex roommates sharing bed, always had other objects in view....
Has the United States Supreme Court turned completely into a rogue court? Do they now break their own rules, and hold themselves above the law? If...
This final article in the Counterpoint series will deviate from presenting arguments against what has been published in Pearson/Hall’s Biology textbook and will instead present a...
In these violent and extremely dangerous times every part of society now finds itself wondering and worrying about safety and security for itself and it’s families....
Picture this: You’re going to be meeting with George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. They want to know what has happened to America....
Many Americans celebrate Memorial Day in many ways, and many towns commemorate the day with a parade as tribute to both living and deceased veterans. This...