Thanks largely to Wiki Leaks, the 2016 Presidential election campaign has brought to massive pubic attention the corruption of the Secretary of State Hillary and the...
America is losing the war because she defines her enemy as “Islamic terrorism.” Islamic terrorism is only a tactic the enemy employs to distract Americans. The...
A few intellectually honest and unafraid human beings have begun to identify the enemy of Western Civilization. The enemy is unabbreviated Islam, Islam without any qualifying...
There will be no shortage of essays and commentary on the subject of Islam following this weekend’s slaughter. Much of it will be formulated around a...
Before discussing the Jewish People’s exclusive right to the Land of Israel, (Eretz Israel) artificially designated as “Palestine,” we shall first review the character and credibility...
King David said, “I hate them, O God that hate you” (Psalm 129:21). Since the haters of God hate God’s people, and since hatred is futile...
Recently I began a not-quite-fruitful correspondence with officials at UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) over their distortion of the history in and of...
Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representative, Professor Newt Gingrich, has said that President Obama’s and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s inability to recognize...
If Ted Cruz, a constitutionalist, is not the choice of the GOP, America’s 2016 presidential election will probably be a contest between Donald Trump and Hillary...
Any questions that the Trump candidacy and run for President of the United States isn’t a true revolution were dashed by the near-riot in Chicago from the...