To understand why democracy today is boring and decadent one can hardly do better than consult Alexis de Tocqueville. His classic, Democracy in America, is more relevant...
Political parties have a bad reputation, especially in Israel where they are so numerous, so narrow, and so noxious. Although parties serve the purpose of presenting...
According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, government information that is available to all citizens who are willing to do the investigative work and...
No solution to America’s serious internal and external problems is possible so long as Barack Obama is in the White House. Therefore, any constructive proposal advanced...
Some secularists believe that if modern Israel were to adopt a Constitution based on Jewish principles and values, the country would revert to the Middle Ages. ...
Having elsewhere reconstructed the 1787 debates at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention on the Presidential Electoral System, I shall here proceed to analyze the system by itself,...
There has been understandable chortling among Republicans that at the Democrats’ first debate they finally came clean on the “s-word.” Long considered almost taboo in American...
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the...
The last two elections in Israel spawned about 33 parties. So what’s a “party,” and is party government conducive to statesmanship?
If you consider what has held center stage in the media of Israeli Democracy during the days of Yasser Arafat, and if you juxtapose that personification...