The electric vehicle (EV) industry has many problems, traceable to unsound design, that no amount of regulation can cure.
Has World War III broken out? What about Israel and Gaza on one hand, and Ukraine on the other? A critical examination of geopolitics.
Birdman is a metaphor for people who discard objective reality in favor of feelings, which clash with reality, with disastrous results.
An English professor at the Naval Academy says we're producing leaders who act to look good, not in the best interests of the country.
Antisemitism always requires a conspiracy, which usually entails a willful distortion of history. An accurate historical record is essential.
Freedoms of speech and self-defense have been under attack for years. A reminder of the scope of the violations: Missouri v. Biden.
The general election officially began with Trump's decisive victories in Iowa and New Hampshire, and will be the longest in history.
The Texas border dispute has spread to twenty-five other States, all of whose governors have pledged to support the Texas position.
Offshore wind projects are unsightly, dangerous to marine life in sea and air, and present new challenges to commercial fishing.
Don't blame Donald Trump for the chaos of either this election campaign or the world around us. Blame the real agents of chaos.