The World Economic Forum clearly wants ordinary people to suffer. Evidence of a deliberate campaign is now undeniable.
Mass shootings do not happen only or even mostly in America. But those that do happen, happen because we groom children for violence.
Candidate Beto O’Rourke made a grandstand play for gun-control sympathy in Uvalde, Texas yesterday. It won him no new friends.
The Texas school shooting is yet another tragic event in our broken society. And politicians call for gun control while bodies are warm.
Stacey Abrams has to make waves for her uncontested Georgia primary. So she insults the State she's living in.
If Roe v. Wade goes, abortion might go shortly afterward in twenty-six States. Threats are in the wind as the country still waits.
Bill Maher observes a generational trend toward alternative lifestyle identification - and questions its validity in an incisive talk.
The Archbishop of San Francisco excommunicated Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) over her growing outspoken support for abortion.
Welfare has 59 million people dependent on government. Neither the Constitution nor the Bible sanction forced government charity.
Have incompetent leaders made a food shortage? Or is this a deliberate gambit in the war between the globalists against the rest of us?