As the American Civil Liberties Union prowls the land to muzzle public prayers, rip out Ten Commandments monuments and terrify small towns over nativity scenes, help...
The most difficult part about starting a series on threats to national and personal sovereignty is knowing where to begin. That is not to say that...
Was Barack H. Obama born in Kenya? The international press suspected that in 2008, before the election. Today, Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s team tried to find records...
The United States has always enjoyed its uniqueness as a sovereign nation. Unlike the Magna Carta where the king granted some rights to the people, our...
Has Barack Obama become the country’s greatest gun pitchman? Gun sales are now so brisk that gun stores are running short of guns and ammunition. And...
The Obama birth certificate controversy is more than a “conspiracy theory,” now that a law-enforcement agency has found probable cause to suspect forgery. This creates a...
The mainstream media, ever late to the party, are at last reporting on the Obama birth certificate story. Most of their reports drip with scorn. But...
As stated in Part I, oral argument on the constitutionality of Obama-care will take place on March 26-28, 2012. But whatever the Court decides, the integrity...
Many still believe we are living in a Constitutional Republic governed by the Rule of Law. Unfortunately, America is at a crossroads in which the freedoms...
In the past few weeks, many people have taken fresh interest in “scientific evidence” that liberals are somehow smarter than conservatives. In all the excitement, one...