What is the easiest way to kill business in the USA? A thing called RGGI, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. What is RGGI? It is the...
Accountability and transparency are two words that Barack Obama says but does not mean. Now another site seeks to hold him to those words. Meet Wikicountability,...
Michele Bachmann is suddenly a sought-after Presidential candidate. She knows it and will soon say whether she will run for President.
Newt Gingrich said some very un-conservative things today, and ruined his reputation by doing it. And he might never undo the damage.
The Constitution says who may run for President. President Obama makes light of that rule and thus shows disrespect for the Constitution.
Ron Paul, the gadfly of the GOP in Congress, wants to be President. But the Tea Party might be split on whether they like him.
A bill recently reported out of a key Senate committee would vest the authority to appoint several hundred executive-branch officers in the President alone—and not all...
A comparison of tax-law political speech restrictions between the church and unions Moses may have received the 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai, but here in the...
The release yesterday of the apparent long-form birth certificate for President Barack H. Obama has done little to settle the debate on Obama’s citizenship, and has...
We all have smiled sometime in the past at the friendly image of Uncle Sam calling us to various patriotic responsibilities. But in today’s day and...