When I was in Washington in April 2005, a full-page ad by the Anti-Defamation League appeared in the Washington Jewish Week. It said: “Mr. Sharon, American...
Since Israel us supposed to be a democracy, public opinion should influence the policies of Israeli Governments and Prime Ministers. But first let’s clarify this concept...
Several years ago, I presented a paper at a conference of the American Political Science Association in Washington, D.C. Many people were amazed to learn that...
Yehoshaphat Harkabi literally wrote the book on Arab attitudes toward Israel and the Jews. But he utterly failed to understand his own observations. Benjamin Netanyahu seems...
This is a slightly abridged version of an essay I wrote the month after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in November 1995. Nothing serious has yet...
To begin to understand why Muslims are backward, consider this passage from G. E. Von Grunebaum’s Modern Islam (1962):
Israel was accused of using disproportional force in response to Iran’s proxy Hezbollah in the Second Lebanese War. It may therefore be of interest to consider...
We have yet to identify the enemy. The enemy is not ISIS (or ISIL, as Barack Obama pleases himself to call it). The enemy is not “radical” Islam. The...
Islamic led Hezbollah is a client of Iran, Hezbollah’s leader in Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah, boasted of having a great arsenal of weapons at the ready, including...
It would be a strategic error of historic proportions for the United States to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Indeed, the greatest error of the...