There are no rational or moral grounds for establishing a Palestinian nation-state in the Land of Israel. That certain democratic politicians want to do so is...
Eight years ago, on January 3, 2008, the Jerusalem Post published a tirade by Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe. Rabbi Wolpe denounced Israel’s left-wing political elites. He...
Last week I wrote an article titled “Why didn’t Israeli professors of law or of political science denounce PM Netanyahu’s June 14, 2009 endorsement of the...
In one her best articles, “Our Estranged Generals” (April 4, 2016), Jerusalem Post journalist Caroline Glick writes: “Our generals are not on the same page as...
For many years, academics have foisted on politicians and foreign policy makers the doctrine of conflict resolution. What makes these academics believe, for example, that conflicts...
Despite the demise of the Soviet Union, Russia remains a country without real elections, independent courts, or freedom of the press. Russia is a country where...
Today’s Jerusalem Post (April 5, 2016) carried this headline: “PM: I’ll Clear my schedule … to Meet Abbas.” That headline is nothing more than another dose...
To begin to understand why so many Arabs don’t vote in Israeli elections, consider this passage from G. E. Von Grunebaum’s Modern Islam (1962):
It was reported in the Jerusalem Post of March 28, 2016, that an Israeli soldier shot an incapacitated “Palestinian,” really a Muslim, terrorist in Hebron.
Even after Paris, San Bernadine, and Brussels, Western political analysts and politicians persist in the timidity of political correctness by closing their eyes to reality. It’s...