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Russia behind Muslim unrest?



Obama is Putin's bitch, and that's why the flag of Russia flies over the Crimea today.

The Obama administration can’t seem to keep its stories straight. First they said the Muslim riots in Egypt and Libya, and the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens, were all due to an amateurish trailer to a movie that few have ever seen. Now they must admit that the Ambassador, at least, was a terrorist target. Furthermore, riots did not start in Libya independent of the Benghazi attack. But why did riots start elsewhere? Why are they still going on? Did Obama make mistakes? Yes. But someone planned all those riots. And now a new lead suggests who might be behind that planning: Russia.

Russia planned Muslim unrest decades ago

Lieutenant General Ion Mihai Pacepa is the highest-ranking Warsaw Pact official ever to defect. In 1978, when he defected, he ran the intelligence service for Rumania, one of the best allies Soviet Russia had before the Pact dissolved. His book, Red Horizons, gave much of the evidence in the trial of Nicolae Ceausescu. But his evidence in today’s case comes from no less than the former chairman of the Russian Komitet Gosudartvennoye Bezopasnosti (KGB, or Committee for State Security), and future General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: Yury Andropov. General Pacepa describes something Andropov told him personally:

In 1972, I had a breakfast with then-KGB chairman Yury Andropov in Moscow. The Kremlin, he told me, had decided to transform Arab anti-Semitism into an anti-American doctrine for the whole Muslim world. The idea was to portray the United States as a war-mongering, Zionist country financed by Jewish money and run by a rapacious “Council of the Elders of Zion” (the KGB’s derisive epithet for the U.S. Congress) intent on transforming the rest of the world into a Jewish fiefdom. Andropov made the point that one billion adversaries could cause far greater damage than could a mere 150 million. Even Muhammad, he said, had not limited his religion to Arab countries.

Does any of that sound familiar? It should. The phrase “Elders of Zion” certainly should. How many people remember that The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion came straight from Russia? From Czarist Russia, no less.

Flag of Russia

Flag of Russia

That Communist Russia should dredge up that tired old image should surprise no one. True enough, Soviet Russia was one of the first to recognize the new Republic of Israel in 1948. But that was when Israel had that classic socialist institution, the kibbutz. Russians mistook that for their kolkhoz, or collective farm. To the extent that Israel embraced capitalism, she earned the enmity of Russia. But the Protocols affair shows that Russia has always hated the Jews.

General Pacepa warned people back in 2006 about “Russian footprints” in the 2006 Lebanon War. His evidence then was more direct: outmoded Russian weapons, including Soviet-era weapons, in terrorist hands. But he watched first-hand as the Rumanian security service resupplied Palestinian terrorists after the Six-Day War of 1967. He also charges that Arab terrorists did not invent airliner hijacking. The Russians taught them that skill.

In 1972, the Kremlin decided to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the US. As KGB Yury Aandroov told me, a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States. No one within the American/Zionist sphere of influence should any longer feed safe.

According to Andropov, the Islamic world was a waiting petri dish in which we could nurture a virulent strain of America-hatred, grown from the bacterium of Marxist-Leninist thought. Islamic anti-Semitism ran deep. The Muslims had a taste for nationalism, jingoism and victimology. Their illiterate oppressed mobs could be whipped up to a fever pitch.


Pacepa makes one controversial charge today. In July of 1968, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked El Al Flight 426. That flight is still the only flight that El Al has ever lost to hijacking. The controversy: the PFLP did not learn the art of hijacking on its own. Indeed the KGB created the PFLP and bankrolled it, too. And the KGB’s Department 13 planned and ran the hijacking from start to finish. Department 13 later carried the named Department V and Department 8 of Directorate S. (Ian Fleming called it SMERSH, or Smyert Shpionam, Death to Spies.) That Department, by whatever name, always planned “wet” affairs. Wet, that is, with blood.

In March of 2012, Daniel Pipes wrote about the paradox of Arab Muslims living in Israel. A commenter asked,

Why has [General] Pacepa been ignored on the cause of global terrorism and on the cause of the Arab Israeli conflict?

Is Russia planning Muslim unrest today?

Why would that be so hard to believe? In fact, says Pacepa, no matter who says he runs Russia, the Russian intel services run Russia. Pacepa calls Russia “the first intelligence dictatorship in history.” Russia always made that charge about the United States. (So do many “conspiracy theorists” in America.) Notice that criminals, and criminal countries, always “throw off” on their targets.

Remember also: Vladimir Putin, the real power in Russia, once ran the KGB. He sat at the same kind of desk where Pacepa sat in Rumania. He has his own personality cult, with lissome blonds singing their desire to have boyfriends like him. And: Dmitriy Medvedev, whom an “open mic” caught with Barack Obama, told Obama that he would pass Obama’s information on to “Vladimir.”

What does the Bible say?

General Pacepa uses the Russia he knew and worked with, as the key to understanding events in the Middle East today. If one can apply today the lessons of the old Soviet Union, that would explain much. Among other things, it would explain why riots would spring up in twenty different countries over a specious pretext. And it would explain why those who killed Ambassador Stevens not only had such good “cover,” but how they could run that attack so smoothly. It might even explain who really ran the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Liberals and libertarians insist that the United States government, or maybe Mossad, ran that. But what if Russia ran it instead? Wouldn’t they have the resources to bring about the precise signs that the conspiracy theorists point to?


Nor is the Bible silent on this prospect. The prophet Ezekiel, 2500 years ago, said that Russia would lead a vast coalition in a coordinated attack on Israel. These riots, and the Iranian nuclear program, could be precursors to “Ezekiel’s War.”

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Terry A. Hurlbut

Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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Reg Cheeseman

An intriguing hypothesis with a huge 33 year hole in it. Unless we properly consider 1979-2012, this is little more than a C grade academic exercise.

Reg Cheeseman

Afghanistan and Chechnya make me think those activities did not go on much after 1978. Having read both articles, conflating the Cold War with the current situation is understandable – he has a book to promote at World Net Daily – but overlooking these two wars is clumsy.

Fergus Mason

“Russians think that someday, somehow they can tame the Islamic beast and make it dance to their tune. Even after Afghanistan. Even after Chechnya.”

They have reason to think that. They controlled more of Afghanistan than ISAF currently does, the Afghan government they put in place survived for three years after their departure (my guess is that Karzai will be on a plane to Dubai before Last Post is blown at HQ ISAF) and Chechnya has a pro-Russian government that controls most of the province. The Chechen rebels keep losing leaders to clever but violent Russian traps and there’s a huge Soviet-era base of secularised Muslims who have no wish to see the return of the Caliphate.

Fergus Mason

“But what if Russia ran it instead? Wouldn’t they have the resources to bring about the precise signs that the conspiracy theorists point to?”

No. Just… no. We know exactly who organised 9/11 and he’s now dead.

“The prophet Ezekiel, 2500 years ago, said that Russia would lead a vast coalition in a coordinated attack on Israel.”

No he didn’t. I bet you can’t give me the verse, can you?

Fergus Mason

“Rosh = Russia.”

Source please.

“Meshech = Moscow and the old Duchy of Muscovy.”

Source please.

“Tubal = the former Soviet Central Asia.”

Delusional. Tubal was a grandson of Noah, not some Uzbek warlord.

“Now about Osama bin Laden: Did it surprise you that the KGB created and bankrolled the old PFLP?”

No. So what? Osama bin Laden wasn’t in the PFLP.

“Why is it so hard to imagine that UBL would go to the ex-KGB, now named FSB, and connect with some old Department 13/Department V operatives, or whatever they call their “wet ops” outfit these days?”

Because, bearing in mind what his friends in Makhtab al Khidamat did to captured Soviet servicemen in Afghanistan, they’d have liquidated him on the spot.

“One of the stickiest riddles of 9/11 is how a bunch of beginning flying students could learn even as much as they had to learn, to navigate so precisely that they could hit a target with a precision that would make a cruise-missile weaponist turn pea-green with envy.”

Hardly. A few hours on MS Flight Sim and a cockpit familiarisation lesson will give you the required skills. The WTC wasn’t exactly a small target.

“The direct involvement of the FSB wet-ops division is a strongly possible answer.”

Are you a Tom Clancy fan by any chance? The movements of the 9/11 hijackers are KNOWN. The plot was worked out in HAMBURG. They learned to fly at flight schools in THE USA.

Fergus Mason

“So “R-O-SH” should actually render “R-U-S.” Which is the name of the original tribe in the region once known as Scythia. The name that is the root of the national name Russia.”

Actually the Rus were Norsemen, from Sweden. And in the native language the country is called Rossiya, not Russia.

Reg Cheeseman

“Now about Osama bin Laden: Did it surprise you that the KGB created and bankrolled the old PFLP?”

No, although its a couple of steps from the PFLP to OBL.

If you want a stronger connection between funding and OBL, what about Maktab al-Khidamat? By the same reasoning, does it follow that the CIA were behind 9/11 and recent events in Libya?

Fergus Mason

“It follows that the KGB/FSB”

I think you mean KGB/SVR. The FSB is the old internal security directorate.

“and more particularly the successor to Department V/Department 13/SMERSH”

Ian Fleming fan? SMERSH wasn’t quite what you seem to think it was.

“was behind the original 9/11 and recent events in Libya.”

Well, if they were responsible we should get conclusive proof of that fairly soon, when someone shoots you with a ricin-tipped umbrella.

Reg Cheeseman

“once again you fall into the trap of thinking that Russians think like ordinary human beings”

I don’t understand this statement. What does “ordinary human beings” mean?

Fergus Mason

“The kind with whom I, at least, am familiar.”

And how familiar are you with Russians? Met many?

“But a Russian intelligence apparatchik would do so with no consideration for anything as (to him) puerile as memories of “good times” he had with the dead man.”

Actually the Russian (and formerly the Soviet) intelligence agencies – especially GRU – are notorious for the lengths they’ll go to in order to avenge attacks on their personnel or any other insult. Remember when the CIA station chief in Beirut was kidnapped and murdered? Know what happened when someone tried the same on his KGB counterpart? The Russian ended up being returned unharmed, along with an apology and a plea for the carnage to stop.

Fergus Mason

“If it will enhance the power of the State, hence the power of the agency, to fund and train someone who might have killed one of their number, they’ll do it.”

You think the CIA and SIS won’t? All intelligence agencies will do that in the right circumstances. However if you do feel like killing intelligence officers your chances of survival are maximised if you avoid killing Russian ones. They are by far the most likely to hunt you down and either sprinkle polonium in your tea or wire you to a plank and feed you into a crematorium feet first.

Reg Cheeseman

My mistake. I took “Russians” to meet “Russian people”.

Fergus Mason

“For that matter, spooks (that is, intel guys) often don’t think like non-spooks, regardless of nationality.”

You know many?

Reg Cheeseman

I know a couple and they are nothing like James Bond. They are more like accountants.

[…] Russia behind Muslim unrest? […]

[…] Republics,” died in 1990. But the same crew who ran it, are still in charge. (As others have noted.) The key man: Vladimir Putin, whom Dmitri Medvedev mentioned to Obama in their “open mike […]

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