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Gun control: eyes wide open!



PGA and politicians take note! And everyone else, consider taking out some insurance.

As the gun-control issue rages on – and rest assured, friends, it is raging on – gun-grabbing criminals tell one contrived or fabricated lie after another, acting under the guise of representing the people while they continue down the road of pushing their illegal agenda “forward” in the face of the American people.

If it is not Gabby Giffords receiving three illegal contributions through Americans for Responsible Solutions PAC (which amounts to $15,250), why, then it is Barack Hussein Obama attempting to give over control to the United Nations through illegal and unconstitutional means.

Why is Barack attempting to circumvent “We the People”? Because the American people stood up and shouted out, “Our eyes are wide open!”

Need I remind the American people that Eric Holder, the attorney general of the United States, empowered illegal drug dealers through “Fast and Furious” in Mexico with guns, only in turn to blame the crimes committed on the American people – crimes such as the deaths of border patrol agent Brian Terry, one Mexican beauty queen, as well as 300 Mexicans?

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A little history, including of gun control

Our forefathers did not arm the American people for the purpose of hunting, but rather to protect themselves from those who were doing the hunting, namely the tyrant King George. The Second Amendment is only to vouchsafe our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and to ensure all of the other rights given unto us by our Creator.


The wisdom of the framers of the Constitution once again is found consistent with the lessons from the Bible they used as their bedrock for civil law. The people’s individual protection should always be a primary concern of government “of the people.” In a righteous country, self-government reigns by the constraint of Christian morals. The civil government that desires such a monopoly of force (i.e. they are the only ones with guns) is a threat to the lives, liberty and property of its citizens, for that government ceases to be “of and for the people.”

George Washington, our first president, said:

From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good.

Defining “Don’t Tread on Me!”

What would this rattlesnake say about gun control?

Christopher Gadsden’s “Don’t Tread On Me” flag, the unofficial symbol of the Tea Party movement. Photo: User VIkrum/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported License

The slogan, “Don’t Tread on Me,” almost always appeared on the rattlesnake flags. The Gadsden flag from 1775 had a yellow field with a rattlesnake in the center, ready to strike. And below the snake was the motto, “Don’t Tread on Me.”

In December of 1775, Benjamin Franklin published an essay in the Pennsylvania Journal under the pseudonym American Guesser, in which he suggested that the rattlesnake was a good symbol for the American spirit:

I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids (her eyes are never closed) – She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance. – She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. – As if anxious to prevent all pretensions of quarreling with her, the weapons with which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenseless animal; and even when those weapons are shewn and extended for her defense, they appear weak and contemptible; but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal: – Conscious of this, she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of stepping on her. – Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?

Since our forefathers were used by God to lay a foundation of our history, I now submit to this present generation, it is now your duty to lay a foundation for your posterity’s future.

And let those that represent us know that our eyes are wide open!


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Bradlee Dean is an ordained Christian preacher, Radio show host for the #1 show on Genesis Communication Network from 2-3 p.m. central standard (The Sons of Liberty), a National Tea Party favorite. He also speaks on high school and college campuses nationwide. Bradlee is also an author, a husband to one, daddy to four boys. You have probably seen Bradlee through such outlets as The New York Times, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, The Weekly Standard etc.

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I disagree with your premise. The only truly unamerican thing is to call another ideology unamerican. The fact is, we are (idealistically) a people by and for the people. If we, the people, were to decide that socialized medicine were the best route, then it would be unamerican to call them unamerican. Who are you to tell me socialization is wrong. Who am I to tell privatization is wrong. We NEED to be able to change with the times, to shift according the the needs and wants of the people.

And no, I do not agree with a total gun control. Nor do I want my neighbors to have access to tanks, drones, machine guns, or anything else that they are likely to mis use and make mistakes with. I was in Boston after the bombing. My fear was less that they would strike again, but more that some overemotional city person who had never needed a gun would buy one and use it on the wrong person. I dunno, this has turned into a kinda unfocused rant.

Terry A. Hurlbut

Here’s where your analysis fails: America is more than a tract of land. It is an ideal of freedom such as the world never saw before, does not see elsewhere, and likely will never see in future. And part of that ideal is leaving people alone, and relying on ordinary citizens and lawful residents for the bottom layer of a layered defense against crime or invasion.

Gun control is an authoritarian idea. So is socialism.

That’s what makes such things un-American.


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