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What if? Paranoid or prescient?



PGA and politicians take note! And everyone else, consider taking out some insurance.

What if the impending demonstration in D.C. on Sunday October 13th is exactly what Obama has been aiming for from the beginning? What if it is a trap?

As the convoy approaches…

Law abiding citizens are anticipating a legal protest by truckers, bikers, and veterans, to show the government that we are fed up with the attempt to transform America into a socialist entity.  Law abiding citizens believe that we have the constitutional right to show our displeasure and to take legal action if circumstances warrant, and many are saying “it’s about time.”

Our Constitution is still young and we expect it to endure.  It’s inconceivable that it could be overthrown or destroyed in this educated age…and by what means?  If our rights become ephemeral do we have a leg to stand on?   We’ve had five long years to become acquainted with the unthinkable. We’ve been learning by osmosis, but it’s obvious we have not grasped fully the evil machinations in play.

Our Republic is being demolished with utmost efficiency and oligarchic or even communistic rule is on the horizon.   There has never been any indication that Obama is the slightest bit worried about his future. Despite all of the efforts in the courts and by other means to expose him for the malevolent fraud he is, he remains unruffled. I’m thoroughly convinced he believes he is invincible.

One must ask why?  

  • We know of the black helicopter gunships that have been seen throughout the country – and of the black armored vehicles.
  • There are reports of foreign personnel training in crowd control and civil disobedience situations.
  •  Evidence of ‘FEMA’ camps and jail trains and much that we don’t know about.
  • We have seen videos of  black youth being indoctrinated into organized groups which appear unnervingly similar to the Hitler Youth.
  • Then there is the massive accumulation of weapons and ammunition by our government.

What if the worst case happens?

What if this is a set-up?The signs of are ominously threatening.  So, law abiding people are patient in the expectation that this rogue government will eventually succumb.  Certainly a demonstration of  such robust proportions will convince this cabal that they are not going to get away with it.

  • What if the streets of the capital are clogged with peaceful protesters who are intent on achieving some redress for perceived illegal actions by their government?
  • What if they are ordered to disperse and do not?
  • What if they are told that the protest is illegal and that they will be forcibly removed?
  • What if helicopter gunships, armored vehicles, armed drones and military forces are deployed with ruthless abandon?
  • What if many people are killed and wounded?
  • What if the carnage was so horrific that it was beyond our comprehension?
  • Then what?

Just a few days ago we heard that within possibly two weeks America would be fundamentally changed. Obamacare and the budget crisis is going to be the excuse  to declare that we have an anti-American effort to ruin the country and Obama will seize control under some fabricated executive power and declare martial law until he has rid the land of all insurrectionists and foes of the American way of life.  “No one will be allowed to damage the good name and credit of this great country”…except me!

Reprinted from Tea Party Advocacy Tracking Hub

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Fergus Mason

“We know of the black helicopter gunships that have been seen throughout the country”

Oh dear.

There are no black helicopter gunships. Really. There aren’t. What you have probably been told about are US Army AH64 Apaches. These are painted dark green. In poor light, or at a distance, they may look black. However they are not black. They are green.

“Evidence of ‘FEMA’ camps”

There is no evidence of FEMA camps, because there are no FEMA camps.

“Then there is the massive accumulation of weapons and ammunition by our government.”

You mean the DoD? Or is some old rubbish about .40 pistol ammo going to get recycled?

Terry A. Hurlbut

Well, how about the massive purchases of hollow-point rounds? I don’t think anyone can explain that. I wouldn’t think one would use such expensive and dangerous rounds for proficiency training.

Fergus Mason

“Well, how about the massive purchases of hollow-point rounds? I don’t think anyone can explain that.”

Au contraire; I already have. Given how many armed government employees there are in the USA it’s not actually all that much ammunition. A couple of training sessions a month will burn through it quickly enough.

“I wouldn’t think one would use such expensive and dangerous rounds for proficiency training.”

Ah, but I’m a former weapons instructor. It’s vital to practice with – and more importantly zero your weapon for – the ammunition you expect to use operationally. If you use different ammunition it will have a different trajectory and so a different point of impact. That would rather defeat the whole point of training.

Terry A. Hurlbut

Assuming I grant your premise:

Why does the United States government now have twice, even three times, the armed employees it had when Barack H. Obama first took office?

Fergus Mason

“Assuming I grant your premise”

I don’t see how you can NOT grant it. Ask any competent shot; changing ammunition means you have to re-zero your weapon.

“Why does the United States government now have twice, even three times, the armed employees it had when Barack H. Obama first took office?”

Dunno. Does it? It sounds unlikely.

Terry A. Hurlbut

The Obama administration have issued sidearms to inspectors from the Environmental Protection Agency and other similar agencies that never before had a traditional law-enforcement or military role.

Fergus Mason

“The Obama administration have issued sidearms to inspectors from the Environmental Protection Agency and other similar agencies”

Well, I wouldn’t know about that. Is it the first time it’s happened?

“that never before had a traditional law-enforcement or military role.”

They still don’t. Any clown can get himself a pistol, but it doesn’t give him a military or law enforcement role. It’s training that does that.

I will note that, as you think everyone else in the USA has the right to carry a pistol, why shouldn’t the EPA? It even makes a certain kind of sense; inspectors are, by their very nature, likely to annoy people. If the annoyed people have guns it would be rather nice for the inspectors if they had the equipment AND TRAINING to defend themselves.

Terry A. Hurlbut

No administration before this one has issued sidearms to non-LEA staff.

Now ask yourself: why should the EPA’s inspectors wear or otherwise carry sidearms, and members of other non-LEA agencies of the government do likewise, while the rest of the populace are not permitted to do so? For that is the goal of this administration. It serves that goal by

brainwashing people into thinking guns are not cool.

A young lawyer named Eric Holder said that long before he became Attorney General of the United States. That’s an opinion he still holds.

Fergus Mason

“brainwashing people into thinking guns are not cool.”

Erm, guns AREN’T cool. They’re pieces of machinery developed for the primary purpose of killing people. They are many things, and there are circumstances where they’re an essential tool, but they are not cool.

Nathaniel Roubideaux

I don’t understand why right wingers seize on the EPA having an armed division somehow standing for some kind of sinister power grab by the president. Can you explain why you desperately want this to be true?

Let me clue you in on something a little research would have made plain as day. There is a very simple reason some EPA agents are armed: contrary to your inaccurate claim, some of them are law enforcement officers responsible for enforcing criminal provisions of the various environmental protection statutes.

The EPA makes arrests and turns defendants over to the Department of Justice for federal prosecution all the time. You want them doing this. Your fantasy Ayn Rand world would consist of a dangerously polluted environment because, as the likes of Richard Posner put it, corporations would embrace in the “efficient breach” if they believed compliance were more expensive than non-compliance. The breach is even more efficient without an enforcement agency, innit?

Know what? Obama hasn’t issued firearms to EPA officers who never had any traditional law enforcement role. The EPA has had armed officers responsible for enforcing criminal provisions of the environmental protection statutes since President Reagan signed 18 USC 3063 in 1988. I know you don’t want this to be true so you can continue repeating the claim that Obama has unlawfully armed these guys, but it is. Sorry.

Terry A. Hurlbut

Sources? Links?

And while you’re at it, what’s the EPA’s philosophical justification for existing?

Fergus Mason

I think the clue’s in the name, there. Protecting the environment.

Terry A. Hurlbut

By shooting people suspected of uselessly polluting the air with their carbon-dioxide exhalation, I suppose.

Nathaniel Roubideaux

8 USC § 3063 – Powers of Environmental Protection Agency — link to — Source (Added Pub. L. 100–582, § 4(a),Nov. 1, 1988, 102 Stat. 2958.)

This EPA’s mission is generally “to protect human health and the environment” — link to

The EPA was established by executive order of Republican President Richard M. Nixon in 1970.

Nathaniel Roubideaux

You suppose incorrectly. Exhaling carbon dioxide isn’t illegal. Thankfully, I cannot find any evidence that an EPA agent has ever shot anyone.


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