Hurricane Harvey, Katrina, and Israel

No sooner than the Trump trio, of White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner, Special Envoy Jason Greenblatt and Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategy Dina Habib Powell (born in Egypt and living in Texas), came to the Middle East, meeting with Israeli and Palestinian officials, then shuttling to meetings with leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan, to try and restart the Israeli-Palestinian “Peace Process,” Hurricane Harvey began to hit Texas, with it’s G-D given power of destruction. Now, exactly twelve years later, Louisiana is being hit again too.
Hurricanes past
In fact the G-D of Israel has been doing this, since the beginning of the “Peace Process”. In March 1991, President George H. W. Bush pushed Israel into attending the Madrid Peace Conference, later that year Hurricane “Perfect Storm” attacked the East Coast of the United States. Bush, staying at his vacation home in Kennebunkport, Maine at the time, had to evacuate. His house was damaged.
In my September 2005 article, “Israel to America, I Warned You…” I wrote,
Well, it’s begun; less than a week after the Israeli army expelled thousands of Jews from their homes in Gaza and Northern Samaria, uprooting 25 communities, American troops were “evacuating” people from their homes in Louisiana and Mississippi. The greatest “natural” disaster has happened in American history. The Hand of G-D is written all over this one.
Many in Israel and America, Jews and non-Jews had seen “G-D’s Hand,” in the hurricane disaster [Katrina].
In 2005, Jerusalem Kabbalist, Rabbi David Batzri said about Katrina that,
Divine retribution is meted out according to the principle of “measure for measure,” just as the Jews were forced out of their homes as a result of US pressure on Israel, so too are Americans being forced out of their homes.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel said, “He [Bush] brought about the expulsion [from Gaza], now he has his own expulsion.”
“Whenever this country encourages Israel to give up any part of their rightful God-given land we have suffered the consequences,” wrote a discussion-board participant on the website of the Christian Broadcasting Network.
Hand of G_d
John Green, senior fellow at a Washington Think Tank (Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life) said, about half of Americans believe that a divine power sends judgment through hurricanes, floods and natural disasters. “The basic idea that God is in charge and he expects people to behave and he isn’t happy when they don’t, that’s a very common idea,” Green explained.
At the time, even Illinois’ liberal Democratic Congressman, Jesse Jackson Jr, said at a news conference, “God is responsible for this and in his own time he will reveal why.”
Well Jesse, we already know why…
I explained why in my earlier June 2005 article, “Israel, Tell America the cold, hard truth,” warning there,
America, your country is in danger. The G-D of Israel, who has brought His people (the Jews) home after 2,000 years, is watching your every move. Stop pushing Israel into suicidal concessions (giving away parts of its homeland to a non-existent group, the so-called Palestinians), before it’s too late, and your fate is sealed.
As I said then,
The redemption of the Jewish People and their return to the Holy Land (Israel) is an unstoppable divine process…the “Palestinians” won’t stop it, the Europeans won´t stop it, and America won’t stop it. If America continues to promote the “rights” of the “Palestinians” (what the Bible calls “a non- people” – Deut. 32:21), know that you are going against the G-D of History and Jewish destiny. Beware!
Trump today
Just like when George Bush and Condi Rice worked to promote the expulsion of about 10,000 Gazan and Samarian Jews from their homes, destroying whole communities in the process, in 2005, to curry Arab favor (that time to gain support for America’s war efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq); the Trump administration is continuing to work, to sacrifice Israel, on the Altar of “Middle East Peace,” to gain support of a Sunni coalition of states against Shiite Iran.
A US official cited in a Washington Post article by David Ignatius recently, explained that “The Trump administration is exploring new approaches for easing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that builds on talks with the budding Sunni Arab coalition of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan.”
The Saudi Ambassador to Washington, Khaled bin Salman, cited by the Washington Post, noted that his older brother, Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, was “optimistic in light of the commitment of Donald Trump to achieve a just and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians.”
The new American strategy seems to be, unite the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, under Abbas’ leadership, so that a united Palestinian bloc could renew negotiations with Israel. The Trump administration is trying to use it’s connections with the Sunni Arab states to exert pressure on all the Palestinian factions to join up. The Americans, in return, have pledged to bring Israel to the negotiating table when the Palestinians are ready. And to grease the squeaky wheel, the US is trying to bring Jerusalem and Ramallah together through joint economic initiatives.
Coalition diplomacy
Meanwhile, the Arab coalition has tried to move Hamas closer to Egypt and the UAE, and distance them from Qatar, which for years has been a major financial backer. Mohammed Dahlan, a Gazan now living in the UAE, has been the key intermediary. For years, floated as a potential successor to Abbas, he returned to Gaza and organized UAE-financed humanitarian aid there. Dahlan’s aid to Gaza is said to include about $15 million a month in food and social assistance for families, plus additional money for electricity and water.
The plan is to provide economic and social support, through Egypt, with Israel’s blessing, that can weaken the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence. Israel has allowed fuel and other shipments to pass from Egypt through the border crossing at Rafiah, signaling it’s tacit support. Dahlan and the UAE have larger plans. Dahlan said the UAE has pledged to finance a $100 million electricity plant, to be built on the Egyptian side of the border, to help power Gaza. Although Dahlan is a long-time rival of Abbas, US officials insist they don’t want to undermine the PA leader.
True, the Israeli government carried out the first internationally sanctioned ethnic cleansing of the 21st century, expelling Jews from Gush Katif and Northern Samaria in 2005, but did America have to encourage it?
True Netanyahu is going along with America’s latest plan, but the Trump administration is actively pushing the “Peace Process”.
And what does G_d want?
Who cares what Sharon wanted, or Bush wanted, or the EU or UN wanted in 2005. Who cares what Netanyahu thinks he needs to do to preserve his Premiership, or the Trump administration needs to do to build his Arab coalition today.
What one, who has some sense in his head must consider is, what does the G-D of Israel want? And that, over the last one hundred years, has become abundantly clear. The G-D of Israel has been manipulating history to bring about what He promised thousands of years ago to our forefathers, as recorded in the Bible’s prophecies, Jews are returning to their Promised Land from the four corners of the earth, they are being redeemed.
America’s support for the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif in Gaza ran counter to G-D’s Plan, and it’s clear that His “payback time” came swift and furious, as Hurricane Katrina uprooted whole communities along America’s Gulf Coast. So too now, America’s new attempts to promote “Peace,” with the threat of throwing Jews out of their homes from Judea and Samaria, has brought the catastrophe that is Hurricane Harvey, to Texas and Louisiana.
Just as Jews were made refugees from Gush Katif, so were Americans. Just as Jews lost homes and property, so did Americans…And now again with Hurricane Harvey!
Hurricane Harvey recapitulates Katrina
As I warned Americans in 2005, “America is on the fast track to Hell, I couldn’t say it any clearer, unless you change your government’s policies toward Israel and the so-called “Peace Process”…Just as the Soviet Union fell, [by not letting it’s Jews leave for Israel] so too will America, if it causes a Palestinian State to come into existence.”
And all this is happening at a time, when America is ripping itself apart. Fighting in the streets between extreme left and extreme right, is slowly moving America closer to civil war. Then there’s North Korea destabilizing East Asia and threatening to nuke the US. Wake up America before it’s too late, stop kowtowing to your enemy, fanatic Islam, whether of the Wahhabi Sunni or Shiite version. Stop pushing your ally Israel into trying to commit suicide. You will just be the loser for it.
I don’t know G-D’s timetable, if China will replace the US and become the next world superpower, or the Messiah will come first and destroy the Palestinian Authority, but what I can tell you is that the G-D of Israel will wreck havoc with any country that opposes His purposes in history…
The final redemption of the Jewish People has begun; America, join up or beware!
Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master’s Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
© 2017/5777 Pasko
Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
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