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Vaccine mandates provoke Washington rally



COVID Vaccine administration and vaccine mandate. Fully vaccinated - never

A few people might still remember the earlier rally against vaccine mandates, earlier than the Freedom Convoy, that is. This took place on 23 January 2022, beginning at about 10:30 a.m. Joseph R. Mercola, D.O., finally produced an article covering it definitively. Sadly, that article will disappear from his site in less than forty-eight hours, though it will reappear on a Substack page he owns. But until then, CNAV readers can get the highlights – and watch the videos.

The rally against vaccine mandates

Dr. Mercola’s sources estimated that this rally drew at least 30,000 attendees. That estimate comes from Children’s Health Defense. Fox News estimated 50,000.

Certainly federal officials worried about it. They actually issued a statement warning of violence at the event. And that’s when they anticipated a crowd of 20,000.

This list shows all the original sources Dr. Mercola used for his article:

Note that CNAV includes the Google search merely as a window to Google’s thinking. To see some unbiased search results, try this DuckDuckGo search. Tellingly, that search leads with articles about the American Civil War, or War Between the States, of 1861-65. But the Google search leads with speculation on a second civil war in the United States.

The Democrats hate all non-Democrats

Why is this relevant? Because Mercola also notes some disturbing survey results.


A shockingly large portion of Democrats favor draconian penalties for the unvaccinated. 55% are in favor of fines. 59% think unvaccinated people should be placed under house arrest. 48% say government should be allowed to fine or even imprison anyone who questions the effectiveness of the COVID jab. 45% approve of segregating the unvaccinated into internment camps. And 29% endorse removing children from parents who refuse the jab.

For which Mercola blames the mainstream media, and their likely controllers. Those people, he says, want civil war in the United States, to pave the way for their own putsch. Which will be the Great Reset of our economy to a command economy.

The CHD Defender has this to say:

After two years of being told to do what “Fauci says” and comply with coercive COVID mandates because it’s “the only way out” of an otherwise endless pandemic, Americans of every race, creed, sexual orientation, political affiliation and vaccination status joined forces Sunday to say, “Enough!”

More than 30,000 people traveled from all over the country for the “Defeat the Mandates” rally to defend our inalienable Constitutional rights and protest vaccine mandates, government overreach, censorship and more.

The COVID pandemic has revealed broken systems, including our healthcare system, media and government. With truth, justice and the American way in crisis, rally-goers called for a return to basic values.

As does CNAV.

The videos

The only full video of the rally against vaccine mandates to come from YouTube, comes from the Fox News Channel. Readers may view it above.

No fewer than five people spoke out against vaccine mandates at the rally. Their speeches appear on Rumble, one of several alternative platforms. The following people spoke:


Readers may view them below:

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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