The Fauci Pharma Files
At last, someone has released the Fauci Files from Twitter, which describe not only Fauci’s wrongdoing, but those of several drug firms.
At last – as Elon Musk promised three months ago – the Fauci Pharma Files are out for wide release. A new journalist, Paul Thacker, released them yesterday morning. They tell the story of how one man leveraged his professional reputation to become the highest paid federal official in the land – drawing as salary even larger than the nominal salary of the President himself. They also tell of Twitter’s role as a willing participant in the imposition of a fatal medical tyranny.
Anthony Fauci – who is he?
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. has been Director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease for decades. He has the reputation for “discovering” azidothiamine, or zidovudine, the current treatment of choice for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). But a former colleague, Judy Mikovits, accuses him of scientific plagiarism.
But Dr. Mikovits has more than “sour grapes.” She accuses Fauci of suppressing all treatments for AIDS until his patent lawyers could secure the rights to AZT. And – the kicker – he did the same in response to SARS-CoV-2.
More broadly, he is chiefly or solely responsible for the regimen of closing schools, businesses, and places of public gathering. (One student even drew a suspension for not wanting to play truant!) But six months ago he had the temerity to deny having suggested school closings! He also is mixed up with gain-of-function research – the very thing that made SARS-CoV-2 what it is.
But the narrative started to unravel a year ago – more than six months before Elon Musk bought Twitter. After Musk bought the social media giant, several journalists started releasing the “Twitter Files.” Two of them – on the skew of the medical debate and the “Virality Project” – describe the campaign of lies designed more to frighten than to assist.
No doubt Anthony S. Fauci preferred the title of Capo di tutti i capi di stato maggiore di tutti gli ospedali americani. But in point of blunt fact he likely deserves other titles:bugiardo, traditore, and assassino.
Paul Thacker drops his thread
Paul D. Thacker describes himself on Twitter as a journalist, former Senate investigator, and former fellow at the Safra Ethics Center, Harvard University. He also has a Substack page he calls “The Disinformation Chronicle.”
Herewith his thread about Anthony Fauci and his collaboration with Twitter and other government officials:
As the above shows, Mr. Thacker has more to reveal than Fauci’s sins. We see big drug companies (in this case, Johnson and Johnson) using Twitter for free marketing of their products. Nor do these limit themselves to “vaccines” against SARS-CoV-2. By virtue of what law or moral precept a drug company may hijack a channel of emergency communication, or the national emergency apparatus of state, to use same as its marketing arm, no one can possibly explain.
Reaction was largely positive. One user shared this animated comic showing Fauci throwing a tantrum – as he shrinks in physical stature.
Another user suggested how authorities might skew the narrative to excuse more “emergencies” in the years to come:
Still another shared this video:
Then we have this quote from the Nuremberg Code:
In all fairness, that “quote” is incorrect. But this statement of the actual Code stresses the voluntary consent of any human subject. British Med. J. issue 7070 (313:1448), 7 December 1996.)
Elon Musk has been promising a “Fauci files” release almost since he took over Twitter. Understand: he did not buy Twitter primarily to settle this medical debate. He bought it to revisit his original dream, going back to his PayPal days. Elon Musk wanted to create the “everything app,” that could handle a news feed, micro-communications, payment processing, and video. The technology did not exist when he created PayPal, so he sold it and went on to other things. But the technology exists today, and now he has the platform to make use of it.
Nevertheless, after buying it, he found certain things in its records that made him very irate. One can guess what these things are from the statements he has lately made on certain political issues. For example:
Why dos this matter? Because it goes to the existential risk of population decline that worries him the most. See, for example, this thread from fifteen months ago:
And this interview:
He made this statement even earlier:
This is directly relevant to SARS-CoV-2, because Musk is quoting a Wall Street Journal article talking about how lockdowns might have stopped population growth completely. (Actually the Journal did not consider immigration in their analysis.)
So if Elon Musk has concluded that Anthony Fauci sacrificed population growth to his personal or political gain, one can imagine that Fauci made an implacable enemy – and the wrong enemy.
Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.
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