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Sudan becomes WHO flashpoint

The Sudan, always war-torn and now in the midst of rebellion, has just become a flashpoint for the World Health Organization.

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Events in the United States have distracted the people from another global hot spot: the Sudan. Two generals, each with his own army, are fighting for control in and of that country. But what began as yet another typical African warlords’ feud, yesterday became a flashpoint in the campaign by the World Health Organization (WHO) for global governance. One of the two fighting factions has seized the National Public Health Laboratory. And that laboratory contains samples of some of the deadliest viruses known to medical science. At least, says WHO. This could actually be WHO’s excuse to declare yet another pandemic, ahead of their scheduled Pandemic Treaty vote. And not a single other influencer understands what is happening or why.

What is happening in the Sudan?

Yesterday Dr. Steve Turley offered his take on doings in the Sudan.

Sudan is famous for centuries of conflict between largely Islamic independence movements, and the British Empire. Indeed, “Anglo-Egyptian Sudan” lasted until 1956. But in 1956 Sudan became independent – and since 1983, Islamic. Secularism became the rule in 2020k, but stability did not come with secularism.

On April 15, 2023, General Mohamed Hamdan Daglo rebelled against his nominal superior, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. General Daglo commands a paramilitary, rapid-response force, likely more mobile than the regulars General al-Burhan commands. Fighting has raged off and on ever since. Last week, the two sides agreed to a cease-fire – that lasted all of twenty-four hours.

Fighting has resumed, and several countries find themselves “unable” to evacuate their citizens.


More recently, U.S. forces evacuated the Embassy staff from Khartoum, the capital. But they have made no effort to evacuate 16,000 U.S. citizens scattered all over the Sudan.

This although other countries are evacuating their nationals.

One U.S. citizen at least, has already died in the fighting.

Dr. Steve Turley, in his video yesterday, suggested the world was merely seeing another flashpoint in the larger rebellion against the Global Elite Empire. But he said nothing about the escalation that now brings WHO into the fighting. Or at least, this latest development gives them an excuse to mix in.

Seizure of the public health laboratory

One of the two factions – One America News doesn’t know which – has seized the National Public Health Laboratory. Apparently, its technical staff could not “secure the biological materials and samples” the lab carries.


Dr. Nima Saeed Abid told OANN:

There is a huge biological risk associated with the occupation of the central public health lab by one of the fighting parties. This is the main concern: no accessibility to the lab technicians to go to the lab and safely contain the biological material and substances available.

No one yet will say which side seized the laboratory – the de facto government (“regulars”) or the rebels. The Gateway Pundit reports some vain speculation that General Daglo’s rebel faction has the laboratory. If so, that would cause concern indeed at WHO – because WHO is not known to cooperate with rebels.

Twitter user WarClandestine has already dropped a thread connecting this laboratory to some interesting background. That background, in fact, goes back to the Clinton administration.

In reply, someone gave WarClandestine another name:

The following extra news might or might not be significant. Apparently Ambassador Susan Rice has lost her position in the White House.



Again, note that WHO will not tell us which of the two warring factions in the Sudan has the laboratory. If they’re declaring a “great biological risk,” that means one of two things. Either:

  1. WHO’s enemies have the laboratory and therefore WHO has no countrol over the situation, which no dictator can tolerate, or:
  2. WHO’s friends have it and are ready to release a germ or germs on command.

The latter would make sense in light of the upcoming vote (May 31) on the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Can anyone doubt that WHO plans to declare a pandemic the minute they have one-world governing authority to “act”?

This is a job for the JAG Corps of the American Patriotic Militia, such as it is. The particular element that needs to act is Judicial Watch. Someone must take immediate legal action with regard, not only to those 16,000 Americans left stranded in someone else’s “hot zone,” but also to the administration’s plans to enact this treaty without submitting it to the Senate. In the meantime, let every American contact his Senators and Representative and register his disapproval – of the treaty and of the mishandling of the situation in the Sudan.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.


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